HSSC FsI Exam Result 2017

HSSC Food Supply Inspector 2017 Result

HSSC – HSSC Food Supply Inspector 2017 Result available to download presently. Even you can make sure HSSC Food Supply Inspector Merit list/ cut off marks for 23rd July Examination online at official web site at www.hssc.nic.in. HSSC successfully conducted the written Test for the various Posts of food Supply Inspector on 23rd July 2017 at different centers of different districts of Haryana state, a huge Number of candidates participate in the written Test of HSSC Food Supply Inspector 2017.

HSSC FsI Exam 2017 Result

Haryana staff selection commission is scheduling for the statement of Haryana HSSC Food Supply Inspector Result .As per the information is has taken a written Exam for these Posts on 23rd July 2017.Subsequent to taking Exam for the candidates HSSC is arranging for the announcement of its Result.  Sometimes back it has issued a service observe having with 48th vacancies of food supply inspector. Lots of candidates sent their candidates to get a part in this Recruitment. Subsequent to gathering the application from the candidates to filter out the most excellent candidates HSSC managed a written exam.

Steps to check the Haryana SSC food & supplied Inspector 2017 Result

·         First of all visit official website  - www.hssc.gov.in
·         Now search the link of HSSC Food Supply Inspector 2017 Result
·          Now click on it to get Haryana HSSC Food Supply Inspector Result 2017 
·         One from will be opened on your computer screen for fill up
·         Date of Birth / register for the get result
·         Result will be opened on the computer display
·         Now check all details
·         Now go for the print for that Press Ctrl+ P for the Print
·         Lastly take had copy of HSSC FsI Exam Result 2017 for any further use only


  1. HSSC VLDA Results 2017, Download Haryana SSC VLDA Result Cut Off :-Haryana Staff Selection Commission had successfully conducted the HSSC VLDA Exam 2017 to fill the 299 posts of Veterinary Livestock Development Assistant and Post Graduate Teacher in the state.

  2. DSSSB DASS Grade 4 Result 2017,It will inform the candidates who had appeared in the exam about the result declaration date.DSSSB Grade IV Cut off Merit List 2017.


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